Boaz Sharaby

Matti Caspi produced and arranged Boaz Sharaby’s album“Nomad”(1989). The album included a duet performed by Caspi and Sharaby -Peace Upon You(lyrics by: Ehud Manor, music by: Matti Caspi). The song also had a humorous and well invested music video.
Caspi also plays in this album the accordion, electric piano, acoustic piano, clavinet, percussion, mandolins, bass, drums, and sings backing vocals.


In two of his albums, Sharaby renews some of Caspi’s songs in new versions - in the album “Wish” (1987) he renewsEverlasting Alliance(Manor/Caspi) and in “Thrills” (2000) he renewsSomeone(Manor/Caspi),"And You"(Gronich/Caspi), and“No Night is Left”.(Manor/Caspi, originally performed by Shoshana Damary).


Boaz Sharaby has also participated in the show"Bloom Pair and Apple"(1991) - songs from Russia, participated, arranged, and musically managed by Caspi.

על סט הצילומים של "שלום עליכם"
On the set of "Peace Upon you"
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