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Raquel Caspi’s album,

Matti Caspi arranged and produced his wife Raquel Caspi’s album - Raquel (NMC 1996)which was recorded entirely in Portuguese.
Ten out of the album’s songs were composed by Matti Caspi, and he also participates in singing and playing in three of the songs.
In the album we can also hear Suyan Caspi sing a duet with her father Matti.

Raquel Caspi has sung with Matti before, in his album "Another World",a duet in Hebrew called: Dialogue.

Dialogue Ehud Manor/Matti Caspi [Lyrics]

הוא: היי מה נשמע?
מה קורה אצלך?
בא לי להחליף איתך מילים בלי לסבך

היא: בוא, בוא תשמע
מה שפה הולך
היי, נדמה לי שפתאום התחלת לחייך

יחד: עוד, עוד,
עוד מילה אחת
למילים בפה שלך
יש טעם מיוחד.
עוד, עוד,
איזה צליל ענוג
כל מה שעושה לי טוב
מתחיל בדיאלוג

הוא: קחי עוד מילה;
כשקולך עונה
אז עובר פתאום ביננו זרם מהנה

היא: מה שתגיד;
שאתה פונה
את הגשר בכמה מילים אתה בונה -

יחד: עוד, עוד,
עוד מילה אחת
למילים בפה שלך
יש טעם מיוחד.
עוד, עוד,
איזה צליל ענוג
כל מה שעושה לי טוב
מתחיל בדיאלוג

היא: חושך אורב,
איש אינו אשם,
שום דבר כבר לא יפחיד
אם רק ניתן לו שם.
הוא: גוף מתקרב,
עוד מילה נושם -
החלום הכי כמוס עומד להתגשם.

Audio Player

She has also contributed her voice as a backing vocal to other of Caspi’s former albums, and has also written lyrics for his songs.

In the years following their return to Israel Raquel joined Matti for a number of duets in Portuguese during many of his shows across the nation.

As from 1999 Raquel performed with Matti and Brazilian band “Toucan” in a show consisting of songs of Jobim - “Brazil Summertime”.

In 2002 she has performed with Matti Caspi, Shlomo Gronich, and Michal Adler in the successful concert: “Behind the Sounds 2002”.

In 2006 Raquel starred next to Matti in the filming of the music video “She”.



Tracks in the Raquel album:

1. Deixa a música rolar Matti Caspi/Raquel Caspi
2. Homen e Mulher Matti Caspi/versão: Raquel Caspi
3. Não Voltou Matti Caspi/Raquel Caspi
4. Canção que une os corações Matti Caspi/versão: Raquel Caspi
5. Um sonho tão bonito Matti Caspi/Raquel Caspi (Matti Caspi & Suyan Caspi)
6. Mistério Azul Matti Caspi/versão: Raquel Caspi
7. Dia do Bailão Matti Caspi/versão: Raquel Caspi
8. Conversa Matti Caspi/versão: Raquel Caspi (Duet with Matti Caspi)
9. Verão do amor Raquel Caspi
10.Passado Inocente Matti Caspi/versão: Raquel Caspi
11.Bons Momentos Matti Caspi/versão: Raquel Caspi
12.Ãguas de Marco  Antonio Carlos Jobim (Duet with Matti Caspi)