Thanks and credits
Graphic design, website building, programing, content writing, editing, website administration: Michal Caspit Bobrov.
Albums chapter - Writing and research: Dr. Ofer Shenar Levanon and Michal Caspit Bobrov.
English Profile - Writing and editing: Raquel Caspi, proofreading: Sidney Rosenberg.
Many thanks to Dr. Ofer Shenar Levanon for all the help, support, and great ideas, to Omer Rauchurger, Vera Gutmanovitch, and Einat Horin for helping with the typing of all the songs’ lyrics, to Raz Katlan for translating the biography into English, to Hagit Ofran for transcripting, to Guy Alon for uploading the many music videos to his YouTube channel, to Eran Dinar, to Rammy Semo, and to Avivit Yuval.
And mostly to the wonderful Raquel and Matti Caspi for the creativity, the ideas, the patience, the cooperation, the amazing sense of gratitude, and for all the wonderful things that happened thanks to them,
Thank You!